Found one of THE COOLEST design sites recently at Toast Concept:

This is quite possibly one of the coolest websites that I have ever seen and I worship the servers that these guys (and gals?) host on.
I implore you to explore this site.
Caress it.
Love it.
Toast Concept is... It's like the best-tasting, most middle-of-the-road, fast-food/comfort food you've ever tasted.
But visual.
It's like eating at Popeye's Fried Chicken... it's that tasty and generic!

if Mac opened their architecture, switched Unix Kernel for Linux Kernel (why not? Sun Microsystems already let's a 3rd-party - Canonical - handle much of it's OS needs via 'Ubuntu' and 'Ubuntu Server' Linux-distros), and then let Toast Concept handle their web-presence, print-presence and animation on their TV ads... Mac would effing take-over the home computer market!
Well... Okay, their market-share would break certain boudaries, let me just say that with reasonabe certainty.
They would need to develop a really good FPS (first person shooter) game available EXCLUSIVELY on the Mac in-order to seal the deal, but they could do it.
Something rivaling an X-box style console game.

Then they could have U2 (green) and the White Strips (red, white & black) team up with Wyclef Jean (Yellow) in a LEGO-inspired fashion-dancer splash of neo-rastafarian 3D CGI graphics made by Toast, preaching the virtues of 'One Love' in a Bob Marley cover of groundbreaking rockin-reagae proportions. It would sound like Iggy and the Stooges meets Bad Brains and the Clash in an alley and instead of knife-fighting, they all join together in a song of racial and cultural harmony under the big shiny Apple logo. In fact, that could be the video! They could CGI old film footage of Joe Strummer (the Clash) into the scene like they did in the Buddy Holly video (Weezer) and then...
Guess I better buy stock in Apple before I send them my proposal >;D
Remember... you read it here first.
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